• 240-623-7953

Move Forward & Live Inc. is a non-profit 501c3, designed to bring change to ex-incarcerated men so that they may explore life in a capacity or altitude that they never experienced before. In doing so we provide a home for them. When they come, they must be employed so they are able to begin to store up for their future. We take a portion of their pay and put it in an escrow account. When they leave they at least have a portion of the down payment for their next move. During the course of their stay which will be six months to a year, we will have drug testing twice a week. We will offer Education for those that did not finish high school, or desire to go to college.   Also, we will provide money management to educate them on the importance of making, saving, investing, and how to spend.

Move Forward selects these men by going to probation officers and halfway houses. We interview the men and share the requirements of being accepted in Move Forward. We also give them the opportunity to share their expectation from Move Forward.  Once the interview is over our team will sit down to discuss and select.


Move Forward with Us

Move Forward & Live Inc. is designed to bring change to ex-incarcerated men.  They may explore life in a capacity or altitude that they never experienced before.

Move Forward & Live Inc. is designed to bring change to ex-incarcerated men.  They may explore life in a capacity or altitude that they never experienced before.

  • We will offer counseling and restoration to the families, wife, children, mother or who they have left while incarcerated make amends or on both ends how to except or deal with the situation.
  • Educating them about mental health and the importance of taking care of the mind, relieving stress or dealing with what is really disturbing them.
  •  We take a portion of their pay and put it in an escrow account. When they leave they at least have a portion of the down payment for their next move.